Hollywood Body Laser Center

Ways To Achieve Fat Reduction In Special Areas After Weight Loss Success

Ways To Achieve Fat Reduction In Special Areas After Weight Loss Success

A common misconception that a lot of people believe in is that you can exercise a particular area and eliminate the fat there. Unfortunately, the body doesn’t seem to work that way, you may be able to tighten the muscles there, but the fat will remain on top of it. Where your body chooses to remove fat, when it so desires, is actually dictated by your hormones and genes. If people in your family all have double chins, you may have one too. Plus, when we’re young, we’re full of sex hormones, especially males. Those will have them lean and muscular with thin waists, broad shoulders, and strong legs and arms. As they get older their hormones decrease and the fat starts to accumulate around the midsection, just like everyone else their age.

You Can Sculpt Your Body With Liposuction

By using a fairly easy surgical technique called Liposuction a doctor can remove particular fat deposits that have been hard to get rid of any other way. Things like double chins, love handles, belly pouches, hanging arm fat and other difficult to get rid of deposits can be quickly and easily sucked out.

The procedure doesn’t have anything to do with weight loss and isn’t really recommended for obese patients at all. It’s actually most recommended for those that have already lost their weight but have remaining, stubborn, fat deposits that the would like to get taken care of.

This type of fat reduction will get those areas of difficult fat and remove them in just a few hours. But it is considered an invasive treatment that is followed by bruising, swelling, possible scarring and pain. It can accidentally damage nerves which will result in long-term pain too.

There Are Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Methods Too

Body contouring can be achieved without the use of liposuction and many are doing it daily. The laser lipolysis has been used for nearly a decade with good results and is much less expensive than true liposuction treatments. It involves using a high-frequency laser light that can only pass a few centimeters into the skin.

It heats up the fat cells and encourages them to evacuate the fats that they contain so the body can use it as fuel. It’s important that the patient exercises after each treatment in order to use up the released fat as fuel. Even then, if the body does re-store the fat, it will do so according to its instructions, maybe back on your chin, or maybe on the thighs, not necessarily back to its original spot.

These treatments can vary in price, but they’re far less expensive than liposuction done by a doctor. You should only have a couple of areas treated at a time, and multiple treatments may be needed to achieve the desired effect. But, since there are few side effects, you can have two treatments per week without a problem.

If you’ve reached your desired weight, but still have some places where you need some fat reduction, then laser lipo, or lipolysis, might be for you. Take the time to investigate your options and read online reviews to see how previous clients have been helped, then take the leap. The price is right with few side effects and the results could be just what you desire.


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