Hollywood Body Laser Center

CoolSculpting Can Improve Your Appearance And Make You Feel Better About Yourself

CoolSculpting Can Improve Your Appearance And Make You Feel Better About Yourself

Have you lost weight, but still can’t get rid of your saddlebags or love handles? These types of problem spots can often be treated with a procedure known as CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction process where a doctor uses a special tool to freeze the fat cells and destroy them. It does not require any anesthesia or a hospital stay and there are no incisions or needles involved. The patient is comfortable throughout the procedure and may even spend the time watching television or reading. Following the procedure, the patient can immediately resume normal activities and there is no downtime for recovery.

There are certain limitations on where the procedure is most effective. It is not for use on large areas of fat but is more for those targeted areas which just won’t budge no matter how hard you diet and exercise.

The procedure is for fat reducing not for eliminating cellulite. This means that if your butt or thighs are pretty firm, but just have a bit of dimpling from cellulite, CoolSculpting probably isn’t the procedure for you. If on the other hand, you have love handles or saddlebags which stubbornly won’t disappear, you might benefit from CoolSculpting.

Before making a decision on any procedure, it is best to talk with your doctor. When it comes to CoolSculpting, it is a good idea to meet with several physicians who specialize in this procedure before choosing a provider. Ask them what they recommend and to describe the procedure. It is better if you are comfortable with the physician and like what you see in their before and after gallery.

CoolSculpting is FDA-approved as a process to eliminate fat. The cells are frozen until they die and then they are naturally flushed out of the body. This procedure is very effective on the back, abdomen, flanks, double chin, and thighs. The procedure can help remove the fat deposits with no downtime for the patient.

The ideal patient is already making progress toward their weight loss goals. Having the CoolSculpting procedure can help sculpt the body and treat any especially stubborn areas of fat.

There are several benefits to CoolSculpting. These include no downtime following the procedure and no need for anesthesia. There are also no needles involved and no incisions need to be made. The procedure takes between one and two hours and the patient can immediately return to work or resume normal activities. The procedure address targeted fat cells which are frozen when the applicator is applied. These frozen fat cells will eventually die and be flushed from the body. No surrounding skin is damaged during the procedure.

Patients will usually see results within six weeks and these results will be permanent. Depending on the amount of fat that needs to be treated, it may take more than one visit to achieve satisfactory results.

If you are working on losing weight, a CoolSculpting procedure may serve as just the boost you need to reach your goal. It will improve your appearance and make you feel better about yourself.

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