Hollywood Body Laser Center

CoolSculpting – The Best Of The Body Sculpting Treatments

CoolSculpting – The Best Of The Body Sculpting Treatments

Are you unhappy with your appearance? Have you dieted and exercised until you’re ready to drop, but still see those love handles and saddlebags when you look in the mirror? Don’t be discouraged, there is a non-invasive technique for body sculpting that may be perfect for you. CoolSculpting uses extreme cold to freeze fat cells. These cells die and are swept from the body through natural elimination processes. Once the fat cells are gone, they do not return. This procedure takes about an hour and produces visible results in a few weeks. There is no incisions or anesthesia and patients can immediately return to normal activities.

CoolSculpting, also known as cryo lipolysis is unique among fat-removal systems. Most other fat removal systems work by melting any excess fat. CoolSculpting freezes the fat cells instead. It makes sense when you think about it. All cells contain water and when exposed to extreme cold, this water turns into ice crystals.

This process is best when used on targeted areas of fat and does no damage to surrounding body tissues. The freezing kills off the fat cells which are eventually flushed from the body.

CoolSculpting was developed through a partnership of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University. It is approved for use in the United States by the FDA and is available across Europe. It is one of the safest procedures there is to remove fat. What makes it even better is this procedure is completely painless and non-invasive.

CoolSculpting is also much less expensive than liposuction or some of the other fat removal systems. This affordability is one of the things that makes CoolSculpting so popular. Another reason for its popularity is that the patient has no downtime following the procedure. They can get up off the table and go right back to work. The entire process is non-invasive and patients often watch television or read a book while getting the treatment. There may be a few bruises, but these will disappear in a few days.

Because the technique does not require anesthesia and there is no incision, there are fewer risks with CoolSculpting. This treatment can be used on just about anyone of any age or gender. It works on all body types and is even safe to use on children. It is important that a certified technician or physician perform the procedure.

The treatment works on targeted areas of fat. It provides the best results when used to remove fat deposits like love handles or saddle bags and is great for reducing fat on the abdomen. It may also be used on the back, the chest and the thighs. The treatment has also been used to eliminate double chins, especially in men.

The results from CoolSculpting last for a long time. The fat cells frozen and killed during this treatment will not return, although it is possible to regain weight. The patient should continue to exercise to tone the body so they do not develop new areas of fat. Of all the body sculpting treatments available, CoolSculpting is the least invasive and most affordable.

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