Hollywood Body Laser Center

But what is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting, also called cryolipolysis, is a procedure where fat cells are crystallized to get rid of them. These frozen fat cells eventually die through your natural metabolic process. The scientists at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, a teaching associate of Harvard Medical School established this process.How is CoolSculpting carried […]

What are the benefits of a CoolSculpting MedSpa?

What are the benefits of a CoolSculpting MedSpa? What are the benefits of a CoolSculpting MedSpa?  Newer technologies promote painless procedures. CoolSculpting is a better way to eliminate fats from the body compared to other systems that require incision and the like. Also, the results of this process are long-lasting. Moreover, the process is carried […]

What is CoolSculpting and how does it work?

Wh is CoolSculpting and how does it work?  CoolSculpting by Zeltiq is different. This procedure is 100% noninvasive. It uses an advanced tissue cooling technology to gently target and eliminate fat cells without harming the skin. In other words, it can freeze away your fat. The science behind CoolSculpting by Zeltiq was discovered by dermatologists […]

Denver CoolSculpting

Denver CoolSculpting Can Men Get CoolSculpting®? See Two Men Tackle Stubborn Fat Watch out ladies, men are getting CoolSculpting®, too!  We were lucky enough to see two COOL dudes fight stubborn fat this Father’s Day with the nonsurgical, fat reduction treatment, CoolSculpting®. Noah and Flip spent their June afternoon freezing away stubborn fat on 2 of our […]

CoolSculpting Littleton

CoolSculpting® Wins NewBeauty Award 5th Year in a Row! You know your one friend that always has the best beauty and health secrets? Well, we think we know her source! NewBeauty releases an annual list of its top products and treatments, which is based on real feedback and suggestions. Guess what? CoolSculpting® is on the list…again! What’s […]

CoolSculpting MedSpa

The Chili Pepper Sweat-Out Method to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat? So. Not. Cool. And Definitely Not the Key to a Healthy Lifestyle.  If you type “the key to a healthy lifestyle” into Google, it will return over 322 million results. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet for a healthy lifestyle. The reality is, a healthy lifestyle is achieved […]

CoolSculpting Event

What is a CoolEvent? A CoolEvent is a small event hosted by your local CoolSculpting® provider. At a CoolEvent, you’ll join a handful of other individuals also interested in a CoolSculpting® treatment in a comfortable setting. Your provider, an expert in the treatment, will walk through key details about the treatment, such as how it […]

CoolSculpting in Englewood

CoolSculpting in Englewood is a quick easy way to lose inches without any lifestyle change.  YOUR COOLSCULPTING CONSULTATION: THE FIRST STEP It’s easy to get started in your CoolSculpting journey to a slimmer you. Call 303-872-8887 to get started. Body Contouring and Healthy Living Lose 25% of your body fat in just 35 minutes Hollywood […]

CoolSculpting in Parker

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