Hollywood Body Laser Center

How CoolSculpting Changed My Life

  Losing your stubborn belly fat is never easy, especially in those stubborn areas . I had issues with my self esteem on the beach or even at home when I would take my shirt off and I just needed to get rid of my disgusting stomach. Here is a few things I tried and […]

But what is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting, also called cryolipolysis, is a procedure where fat cells are crystallized to get rid of them. These frozen fat cells eventually die through your natural metabolic process. The scientists at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, a teaching associate of Harvard Medical School established this process.How is CoolSculpting carried […]

What are the benefits of a CoolSculpting MedSpa?

What are the benefits of a CoolSculpting MedSpa? What are the benefits of a CoolSculpting MedSpa?  Newer technologies promote painless procedures. CoolSculpting is a better way to eliminate fats from the body compared to other systems that require incision and the like. Also, the results of this process are long-lasting. Moreover, the process is carried […]

What is CoolSculpting and how does it work?

Wh is CoolSculpting and how does it work?  CoolSculpting by Zeltiq is different. This procedure is 100% noninvasive. It uses an advanced tissue cooling technology to gently target and eliminate fat cells without harming the skin. In other words, it can freeze away your fat. The science behind CoolSculpting by Zeltiq was discovered by dermatologists […]